Abhyangam is an Ayurvedic skill for complete relaxation of your body, which accelerates blood circulation and stimulates the nervous system. Application of healing oil all over the body and massage with a certain amount of pressure in different directions.
Kalari massage is a special deep tissue massage technique that is stronger to the touch than other massages. This massage stimulates all the vital points of the body called Marma. It helps with sports injuries, martial arts, dance... It also helps to strengthen deep muscle and connective tissues.
Punarjani means rebirth. This is the same massage technique as the Abhyangam full body massage, except that the lower neck is massaged here. Classical, Western, Indian, Tai, South Indian techniques are combined in the massage for relaxation and rejuvenation of the body, mind and soul. The head and face are excluded.
A therapy in which medicinal oil is applied and massaged to the legs - below the knees. Special care is given to the feet and soles, as this part has various vital and relaxation points.
The healing oil applies to certain parts of the body - the neck, shoulders and back. This is a therapeutic procedure aimed at these specific areas to relieve pain, stiffness, muscle spasms, etc.
A therapy where medicated oil is applied to the head and massaged into the scalp. This is a gentle massage to overcome fatigue and stress.
A gentle massage allows you to relax and at the same time takes care of the health of your skin. A natural face lift improves skin tone and radiance, helps eliminate wrinkles and accentuates your beauty.
Massage is suitable for overcoming fatigue and stress.
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